Biophillic Architecture

Biophilia is defined as the inherent human inclination to affiliate with nature. Biophilic design, an extension of biophilia, incorporates natural materials, natural light, vegetation, nature views and other experiences of the natural world into the modern built environment.
Healthy living is a primary need for society. Everyday pollution in society has led to these negative outcomes of physical and psychological well-being of space users.
When investigating factors such as natural light, color, fresh air, visual contact with water and nature or noise pollution, it is found that exposure to such natural elements positively influences human behavior, health and productivity in a live, work and play environment.
A healthy environment requires regular contact with nature promoting physical and psychological benefits, crucial to an individual’s health and happiness. By reducing sick building syndrome, it could increase performance and improve overall health and well-being.
Architectural design is about humanity’s ‘sense of place’ (concept of Genius Loci) in nature and where the natural environment fits into the physical environment. Biophilic designs’ sensory rich world affects human health, productivity, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being, as well as reducing stress levels and eases pain.
Biophilic Architecture could be the solution through a link of natural and physical environments,
positively influencing human behaviour and well-being. Futuristic sustainability should have the
combination of biophilic design and low environmental impact, resulting in a restorative nature based design: a true result of a positive psychological environment, a ‘sense of place,’ people want to
experience, that is healthy, nurturing, and delightful to its occupants, improving the experiential quality of architectural space.
Biophilia is nonetheless a \”weak\” biological tendency that is reliant on adequate learning, experience,and socio cultural support for it to become functionally robust.
People want to experience the sensory, emotional, and spiritual satisfactions that can be obtained only from an intimate interplay, indeed from an identification with the places in which live. This
interplay and identification generate the spirit of the place. The environment acquires the attributes
of a place through the fusion of the natural and human order.

Biophilia – Love of Life or Living Systems

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