Before discussing the Interesting facts first we need to know what actually showroom is? A showroom is a commercial space where customer can look at goods such as cars, fashion, furniture, electrical items etc. And the motive behind setting up a showroom is to encourage customers to come at their social space to feel their products and buy goods from their brand. So no showroom interior design can ever be almost like another, given the wide selection of products.
What is the difference between Showroom, Shops and Store? This confuse us lot of time right lets simplify it.
Store: Tends to mean a bigger establishment that\’s divided into sections and sells several sorts of goods. Large stores become \”department stores\”, because they\’re effectively variety of outlets in one setting.
Shops- Mean any premises that sell retail goods, often of a single kind such as electrical goods, clothes, groceries etc.
Showroom- in a business it is an exhibited space for the display and sale of the company’s product. However, the essential concept of each showroom, which is to properly market your products, remains an equivalent.
The three basic concepts you usually got to remember and implement in all kinds of showroom interior design:
Promotion: The promotional aspect of each showroom interior must be carefully considered. The goal is to make the customer invested in the product, so you have to highlight what you’re selling. Making an attractive ambiance is no good if it’s stealing the thunder from what you’re actually selling.
Branding: This aspect reflects into the space through physical manifestation in environment. You can use the company logo as a centerpiece in lavish spaces. This will have an instant and memorable impact on the customers and they’ll definitely think about it again after leaving. Moreover, you can use the official graphics, Mood board and color pallets of the brand to add extra relevance to the design.
Customer experience: You need to create an experiential atmosphere to completely hook your customers. This definitely includes social interactions and an interactive interior designing . You’re takin your customer on a journey by creating a visual experience/atmosphere/display that they’ll have trouble forgetting.
These are some of the basic things you need to remember while creating a showroom interior design.