V-Ray Role in Interior Designing

The first question is, what is V-Ray. Why it’s required in today’s 3d world. V-Ray is a render engine, like so many render engines available in the market like Nvidia Mental Ray, Scanline Rendering, Nvidia I-Ray, Render Man and so on. In simple terms, v-ray is an external plugin, which is used with all 3d platforms like Autodesk 3dmax, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Revit, Google Sketch-up, Rhinoceros 3D, Cinema 4D, Softimage, Blender and so on.
V-Ray is a Software which was introduced few years back with Chaos group, and its change the scenario of today’s 3d in terms of texturing, lighting, render settings, camera and final one is render. V-Ray gives you photorealistic result with least possible effort. It gives you the capability to make fast renders as well. Everyone needs to purchase the license first from Chaos Group, to get advantage of V-Ray features.
In Interior designing and architecture, V-Ray plays an important role today. From 3d artist to interior designers, freelancers, works with V-Ray to impress the clients with their photorealistic results. From Residential to Commercial, From Workplace to Living Space, From One object to multiple one, everyone tries to take advantage of V-Ray. And give immensely impressive results. Nowadays every firm used V-Ray, to earn guarantied clients for the future endeavors.
Which software is best suited for 3d rendering, 3dsmax or sketch-up. Most of the designers choose 3dsmax because it gives you more controls to deal with. And give you the desirable results. Sketch-up is good for beginners, who have just started learning 3d. With V-Ray, Sketch-up works as a useful tool nowadays. With lesser skills in sketch-up, you still get an outstanding result. It is the beauty of V-Ray.
After learning V-Ray, you can deal its properties easily with both the software’s. You don’t need to learn V-Ray for both the platforms. Even 3dsmax and sketch-up have different workspaces, but the controls and techniques for texturing, lighting, camera, render settings and render are remain same. Chaos group improves V-Ray render quality techniques day by day, by releasing important V-ray version updates, which makes our task much easier and convenient to deal with 3D.

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